
Beautifully attractive - you've the option of a smooth finish, a woodgrain or a rustic texture for an authentic weatherboard look - Duraplank™ also has the strength to withstand the rigours of family life.

Sizes and Thickness

ProductThickness (mm)Width (mm)FinishLength
4200Add to Cart
Duraplank7.5230Smooth & WoodgrainX
Duraplank7.5300Smooth & WoodgrainX

What's good about the Duraplank™ external cladding system:

  • Similar flavour to traditional weatherboards
  • No decay, rot or white ant damage
  • Safe and durable - needs only minimum maintenance
  • Variety of finishes
  • Complies with BAL29 as required in AS3959:2009 - Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas
  • BGC DuraPlank

    BGC DuraPlank

  • BGC DuraPlank

    BGC DuraPlank

  • BGC DuraPlank Weatherboards

    BGC DuraPlank Weatherboards

  • BGC Duraplank Woodgrain Style

    BGC Duraplank Woodgrain Style

  • BGC Duraplank Rusticated style

    BGC Duraplank Rusticated style

  • BGC Duraplank Smooth style

    BGC Duraplank Smooth style

Duraplank Accessories

Bostik Seal'n'Flex 380ml GREY
Bostik Seal'n'Flex 720ml GREY
PCD Fibre Cement Blade 250mm
Superior Diamond Blade 125mm (5")

Duraplank Fasteners

Coil Nail 45x2.8 Ring GAL Angle 15'
Coil Nail 45x2.8 Ring GAL Straight
Macsim Fibre Cement Nail GAL 30x2.8mm 5kg
Otter Clouts 316 Stainless Steel 30x2.8mm 1kg

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